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September 11th, 2001
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 tragic day
Posted by: Raymond, again from New York City
Friday September 10, 2004 @ 11:37 PDT

9/11/2001. who can forget. i was just entering my first year of high school just thirteen years old at the time. i really didnt find out about any of it until about 12pm when the towers had collapsed not too long ago. so i really didnt pay mind to it until my music teacher told me that it wasnt any accident that it was planned and both towers were gone. i honestly didnt know what to feel. my first reaction was we're not that far away from the world trade so what are we still doing here? all of the students needed to get picked up by our parents. for hours we were in just a little room just talking and listening to music but i dont think anyone really knew what had just happened. at about 2 my friends mother picked 3 of us up. so we had to walk about 20 blocks because that was the only place she could find parking. i turned the corner and looked back and all you could see from a distance is a thick black smoke in the air. right there i was just overwhelmed with fear and wanted to get home right away. none of the trains were working and we knew traffic would be at its worst. on the radio were just people calling in and talking about how they had someone lost in the towers. im 16 now and believe me i get that same feeling i had that day. i will never forget 9/11 and no one should. to the families and friends who lost someone, god bless your heart, i know it was maybe the worst day ever, but you made it to today strong enough. god bless new yorkers for our strength and going on with life with fear still in our hearts. god bless everyone who lived to see this day. god bless america for our strength and determination. i love this country and everyone in it. 9/11 day that no one will ever forger. much love to everyone and once again, god bless you all!!