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September 11th, 2001
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 the worst
Posted by: melody hamm from Quincy ill
Friday September 10, 2004 @ 06:01 PDT

i think the 9 11 01 was a terrible thing i am only 19 and it bothers me . i do not see why people would do this to us it is rude the way i see it we all have the same god and he created all of us. to the people who lost family friends husbands and wifes i give my heart to all of them but remember they will allways be apart of history no matter what i think god wanted them in history they are all in heaven thinking god bless every one for the care and sapport we all gave. i have a speech due and it is going to be about 9 11 i think it s something every one needs to remember that no matter what happens we are still america we need to put aside the racism and crime and reunite as a family with all my love to all melody hamm