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September 11th, 2001
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 just remembering
Posted by: Danielle from Lakeland
Wednesday December 31, 2003 @ 12:23 PST

i was in middle school, in my hometown of buffalo, ny. i was in algebra when we got the news...around ten. my guidance counselor came in, pulled my teacher aside and spoke to him in private. my classmates and i continued with our work, thinking nothing of it. then he came up in front of the class, he told us that something had happened in nyc and that we were going into lockdown. he calmed us down, seeing as most of were only twelve. he told us not to be scared, we had nothing to worry about, they were following the state procedure. after that i went to social studies where we first saw the extent of what happened. our teacher turned cnn on and showed us what happened, so we would understand. it was the quietest class i had ever experienced. in the halls it was chaos, kids thought it was the end of the world...wwiii. at the end of the day i saw a friend of mine...i had known her all my life and she was in elementary school. they hadn't known what was going on, but most wanted to know why their teachers were crying, and why the older kids were, too. i told her to go straight home, and not to stop anywhere. i went home to find my sister there with her husband, my mom was at work. i was over the age of cuddling and all that, but when i saw my big sister, i ran over and sat sobbing on her lap. i didn't want to watch the news, but thats all that was on. my cousin, who is a grade lower than me, was home sick that day, getting over the flue. she called me crying and saying she had seen it happen on t.v. live. she wanted to know if i knew and then she wanted to talk about. we talked for over an hour about our feelings, how scared we were. later that night, as i got into bed, my mom came in. after we hugged for ten minutes, she told me she would never let anything happen to me and i went to sleep, praying that the next would be better, for everyone.