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September 11th, 2001
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 scared out of my mind!!
Posted by: Jen from Davidsonville, MD
Thursday September 11, 2003 @ 06:51 PDT

on the 9/11/01, i was working at the census bureau in suitland, md. i remember first hearing that a plane hit the wtc over the radio. we all gathered around the little t.v. (with rabbit ears) in the kitchen watching good morning america, then hearing the 2nd plane hit. then all of the sudden we heared that the pentagon was hit. everyone freaked out. the pentagon was only about 15 mins from where i was at. too chose to home! there were rumors that every federal building in the dc area was going to be hit. the smoke alarms went off and everyone was told to get out of the building and go home. it took me 45 mins to get out of the parking lot. i was driving on 95/495 and could see the smoke coming from the pentagon. the worst thing though is that my father is the asst. chief of the fire dept. at the pentagon. he was suppose to get off work at 7am, but didn't always leave on time. i called my mom to see if she had heard from him. she said that she couldn't get ahold of him. after about 25 mins of calling his cell phone and both home numbers, he finally answered. he yelled at her for calling his cell phone at least 20 times. my mom told him that he needed to turn on the t.v. he asked " why? i'm trying to cut the grass". she told him what had happened and he was speechless. thank god he was at home though. he ended up having to go into work, but security was so tight it took him 3 hours to get on to base. my mom and i didn't see him for 3 days. the day after he came home we were going to dinner in annapolis. my mom and dad were in the car in front of my best friend and i. my mom pulled over and came walking back to my car saying that my dad starting crying saying that he couldn't go and wanted to go home becuase he felt it was disrespectful to the victims. it was understandable though. too this day, he doesn't like talking about what he saw that gruesome day.

god bless america and our troops overseas.
the victims of 9/11 will never be forgotten.