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September 11th, 2001
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 ''bad feeling''
Posted by: Kristina from Hiawassee
Tuesday April 22, 2003 @ 01:55 PDT

i remember waking up that morning to get ready for school. i am the type of person that has bad feelings about stuff, and that perticular day i knew something bad was sturring. i asked my dad if i could stay out of school and he said no i needed to go. when i arrived at school i got out of the truck and told my dad bye and i loved him. as he pulled away the feeling in my gut hurt even more. later on at around 9:30 the principle came over the pa and said that we were going into a lock down drill, and no one thought anything else about it, but i did, thirty minutes after the lock down drill, i was thinkin but i had no idea what was in store. at around 1:00 we were finally told over the pa about the tragedy. i was devestated and no one thought it was anything that big except for the same thing that happened in 93' with the bombing at the world trade center. but i was crying i didnt care if people made fun of me because i was scared, i had no idea none of us really did. by the time we got out of school i stepped foot on a normally loud bus but today the only thing loud was the radio that was spilling the presidents speech, the news and the events of the day. it was dead silent in the small town. and the bus was eerie quiet. when i got home i immediatly went strait to the telivision and turned on cnn. this is where i stayed until 12 o' clock that night, i spent more than most of the time crying and praying. even after i was told to go to bed, i laid there with the blind up. i looked at the dark sky without the movement it seemed like the world had came to a hoult. and this is exactly what it did for the rememberance of the falling towers,and the innocent claimed lives. i still remember till this day every event. the songs that were played in rememberance and everytime i hear them i pause. the sky still looks still because everytime i hear a plane or see one in the sky i stop to think and i am cautious.

~age 15