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September 11th, 2001
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 i couldn' forget even if i wanted to!!!
Posted by: whitney from lakeland, fl
Saturday February 22, 2003 @ 06:10 PST

on 9\11\01 me and my dad were driving home from orlando, i was getting ready to go to school. i turned the radio on, but my dad told me not to(he hates my kind of music). i turned to 93.3 flz and i was listening to the conversation and then all of a sudden i here them stop talking and the guy on the radio was like omg, a plane just hit the wtc. my dad got all upset but i was like what is the wtc, my dad explained what it was and i was like "wow" who would do that type of thing!!! then another plane hit the wtc and oh my gosh, this is rediculous, who would wanna do this. i get dropped off at school, i go to 3rd period, and the tv is turned on and i find out that the pentagon has been hit, and i was like this day can't get any worse. all day at school it was gloomy and depressed, nobody ate lunch, and some people were even crying, worrying about parents flying even the ones who were all the way across the u.s. in california. but i would to if my parents were flying. that afternoon after i called my brother who is away at college, i was talking to him about the whole thing. well anyways, i got off with him and started crying for all the families who lost family or friends because i knew that thousands of people would go home today and be missing someone who they love, and would never see them agian. in my oninion, 9-11-01 will be the day in history that i never forget. now 2 years after that day, i remember everything i did that day, (even what i drank) and to this day i still cry wondering why someone would do this type of things, even after listening to 2 years of cnn reporting on the issue. i couldn't forget even if i wanted too.