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September 11th, 2001
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 "9-11-01" a day i will never forget
Posted by: Rita from Michigan
Friday September 13, 2002 @ 06:04 PDT

i remember that day like it was yesterday. my husband and i were on vacation in athens, greece. i was out shopping in the plaka district. i go into a jewelry store and start talking with the salesman, he notices that i'm american and says, "do you know what has happened in the states"? i instantly got this sinking feeling and my heart started pounding. i replied "no, what happened?" he says "come here, i'll show you" and turns on the tv and there it was - the first tower up in flames. i couldn't believe my eyes, it was like a dream or something you see in a movie. i was speechless, the only words that came out of my mouth were "oh my god." i ran out of the store in a frenzy and hailed a cab back to my hotel where my husband was. banging on the door for him to let me in, i screamed as he opened it "are you watching the news, one of the twin towers was just hit by a plane?" as i turn on the tv, they are making an announcement that the 2nd tower was just hit. i am dumb-founded, in an utter state of shock and disbelief. being so far away from our home and family - we feel completely helpless and start to panic. that day will live with me for the rest of my life.
three weeks later i get a large delivery package, i'd forgotten that i purchased a painting in greece, as i opened it, the first thing i saw was 9-11-01. i had purchased the painting that day and had signed and dated the back of the frame - that was so eerie.
god bless america and the men & women who put their lives on line!!