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September 11th, 2001
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Posted by: kris from chantilly
Tuesday September 10, 2002 @ 02:24 PDT

the day of 9/11/01, i was at school, like most other kids. it started out as a normal day until 8:49. we were going outside for pe which was supposed to be at 8:45. then another teacher whispers to mine, and she silently starts to cry, and we go back inside. on the walk back to the classroom, i see that most, if not all, the teachers are crying. whats going on? i ask myself. im sure all my classmates wanted to know the same thing. had a teacher died? did something go wrong? no teacher would tell us, and no kid knew the answer. soon, the intercom would turn on, and one by one, sometimes 3 at a time, kids were called to go home, their parents had come for them. all of the kids are now very worried and scared! rumors start that arent true. "a bomb was planted at chantilly high" i hear one girl say. " there was a car crash outside" says another. but i never saw or heard a car crash... "the priest or principal died" say a few. the teachers would have told us, wouldnt they? by this point, my fear had rose. then i finally get out of somebody that it happened in washington, dc, but that might just be another rumor... we ask the teachers what happened, they say our parents will explain. about half of my friends have left by now, its probably around 11:30, maybe 12:00. but im not sure, everything seems to be in a whirl. the teacher puts on a movie, i guess to distract us from what shes doing. none of us watch, though. we are all too nervous, anxious, scared and curious. soon i hear my name on the intercom, my stomach flips. i should be relieved to get out of school, but i know i am going to hear some kind of terrible news. all my friends say good-bye, and give me cell phone numbers to call. i promise them that i will call when i get home. i pack up, but theres not anything to take home, we didnt get any work done today anyway. i walk down the hall and i see my dad on the other end. henri, my friend, comes into my field of vision, and tells me he wants to go home and that he is really scared. my brother and i say yes, if its ok with my dad. my dad says ok, and calls henri's mom. she grants permission. we hurry into the car, and dad tells us the story. the pentagon and world trade centers were crashed into by terrorists who hijacked planes!!! i also learn about the crash in pennsylvania. well, we go to wendys and get some food to go. henri calls his dad, who is a taxi driver in dc. his dad says he didnt hear about it! he was totally shocked and at first didn't believe it. we go home and eat outside(9/11/01 was a beautiful day) we see fighter jets in the sky, probably surrounding the pentagon, since i live in va. when we go inside, we turn on the tv. every channel is covering the story, even channels that aren't news! i finally get the major details. how tragic! i feel like crying, but no tears ever came out. then, i decide to call my friends. i reach all but one, she must still be at school. they all say they heard, and we talk about it a little, which really helped.

now, being 9/10/02, we are preparing for the one year anniversary. i will go too school, just like any other day, but we will go to church. then we will sing patriotic songs. i reminisce on that day one year ago. i remeber it vividly.

but we are america! we will move on! united we stand forever!!! god bless america, and pray for those souls lost one year ago.

kris || ||