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September 11th, 2001
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 the morning of 9/11
Posted by: Amy from West Rutland, VT
Tuesday September 10, 2002 @ 06:09 PDT

although i did not lose anyone dear the morning of the most tragic day i have ever seen, i will share how i found out and my reaction to this heinous event.
i was at home with my two young daughters, 2 and 4 at the time and my mother in law. we were watching mary poppins for what seemed the millionth time that week. when it was over, i suggested to the girls that they pick a different movie to watch. they told me what they wanted and i went downstairs to retrieve the movie from their room. when i walked into their room, the television was still on from the night before and that is when i looked at the tv and saw smoke coming out of the first tower. i wasn't sure at the time if it was real or some show of some sort. it only took a few seconds for me to realize that it was real. i ran upstairs and told my mother in law about it and we turned the television on. we had just assumed at this point that it was just a mere tragic accident. we had no idea what the situation really was. we continued to watch coverage, debating over the loss of life when we saw another airplane come in. when that airplane hit the other tower, it was complete disbelief. that's when we realized that this was no accident. i rushed downstairs and woke up my husband. i ran upstairs and called my mother at work. she works in the operating room at a hospital and they were hearing bits and pieces of information. i kept calling her with updates. i was completely horrified. then the pentagon. what the heck is going on here? who would do such a horrible thing? why? i just didn't understand. continuing to watch coverage i was not expecting to see the calamity to come. with tears in my eyes, i watched the first tower crumble to the ground on live television. katie couric's voice trembled a little as she realized what was going on. i couldn't bear to think of the families that will suffer such a tremendous loss on this day. i continued to keep my mom updated and stayed glued to the television all day long. then we heard about the flight 93 that crashed into the pennsylvania land. even more families with fewer members....i began to feel disamayed. how could this happen. in the days to follow i listened and watched closely. prayed for the families that had been ripped apart and prayed for the fading hope of survivors buried in the rubble. i saw a nation unite with pride, perseverence and a promise of justice to the ones responsible for these terrorist attacks. that is my story. my heart goes out to those who lost a loved one on that fateful day. we love you, we love america, god bless.