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September 11th, 2001
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 where i was at.....
Posted by: Brad Krotzer from Bowling Green, Ohio
Wednesday September 04, 2002 @ 08:58 PDT

i am a student at bowling green state university and that fateful day of 9/11 i had class at 8:30, 11:30, and 2:30. i went to my 8:30 class because up until that point, it was just a normal day. i got out at about 9:20 and walked to my car because i wanted to go to mcdonald's for breakfast. i turned the radio on and about two minutes later the dj's did a news flash that said a plane had flown into one of the world trade center towers. as i was very disappointed that this happened, i just thought it was an accident and still went to mcdonald's to get breakfast. as i was eating my food in mcdonald's, they had a radio playing soft music. after about ten minutes of being there, they switched the station so everyone could hear what was going on in the world. i heard that another plane had hit the world trade center. this is when i started to get worried. i went back to my car and the radio people were still talking about what was going on and at this point, i knew it was more serious than i first imagined. i went to one of the buildings on campus where there was a tv, and could not believe my eyes once i was inside. there was about 30 people watching the tv and what i saw i will never ever forget. there was smoke covering what seemed like the whole entire city of new york. it was the most amazing thing i have ever seen in my life. at this point i decided to skip my 11:30 and 2:30 classes, and i went home. i got home around 10:45 and just sat in front of the tv until about 1:00 in the morning. i will never ever forget that day for the rest of my life.