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September 11th, 2001
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 "is their dad home"
Posted by: gabrielle pati from ozone park queens
Sunday September 01, 2002 @ 04:55 PDT

this was the question that was often heard on 86 st and 89 ave in woodhaven infront on my friend danny's house. his father father is/was a firefighter who was often sarcastically funny and admired by everyone. my friend danny is the third of three siblings, who because of this terrible tradegy, will never be able to see their father again. robert wallace went to work that day, after being off from having surgery. the day before, one of danny's friends hit bobby's car, and there was a possibility that he wouldn't go to work because of it. but mr. wallace wasn't like that. he was so kind to everyone. there were always people in the house hanging out, running around, playing video games and blasting loud music. my ex boyfriend who is danny's best friend was living with the family along with another friend. mr. wallace never complained except when he told people to do the dishes or sweep the front. i remember him watering the plants all the time and drinking coffee and smoking marlboros while listening to k rock. he was a proud person that would've done anything for his children. my friend danny's older sister is on her way to working with the fire department and danny might become a firefighter in the future. this experience has made me realize the depth of family, and not to take anyone for granted.