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September 11th, 2001
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 sept. 11
Posted by: Jean from Bayshore NY
Saturday August 17, 2002 @ 05:30 PDT

on the morning of sept. 11, i was tired, school just started a week earlier and i was still not used to waking up so early. so i went in to my first period english class. we had a subsitute so i wasn't worried about anything, just hoping this class wouldn't end, i was having so much fun. i was complety oblivious to what was happening in the city. second period came and all i heard were the sirens from the fire house (my school right near the fire station) i thought there was a car accident or fire of some sort.
now i was in my thrid period orchestra class, we didnt recieve our insturments yet so everyone was talking and fooling around. then the band teacher stormed in with the radio and put it on. " the world trade center has just been hit with two airplanes" the boardcaster said. i didn't think it was a major issue at the time i thought the airplanes crashed into each other and hit the wtc. so i thought it was funny. so i went through the day thinking it was a big joke, then everyone in my bio class was leaving, is it really that bad i thought to myself.
i went home and saw my parents glued to the tv. they said a friend of ours is ok that live in dc, but they're not sure of a close friend that works in the verzion building a few blocks away. i thinking what the hell is going on. my parents told me the planes were hijacked and this is all terroism. then i read at the bottom of the screen "11:15 (not sure the time) tower 2 falls" what!! i said this is not happening. so all day we tried to get in touch with the close friend and never go through. i was thinking about all the people who lost somebody or two people. people who saw this whole thing happen. we finally got in touch with him around 10:30. he had to walk all the home to brooklyn since everything was shut down. his voice was trebbling, and he said the bodies falling was what got him. he was tramatized and i was so thankful he was ok.
the next day everyone had something to symbolize america. now my school is very diverse, they aren't many "white" people so seeing people with american flags made me very proud. that weekend i slept over a friends house and we lit up candles and went in their front yards and waved the big american banner for honks. "honk for america" we said. we must of gotten over 200 honks.
~god bless america~