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September 11th, 2001
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 words cannot discribe my anger
Posted by: David Jaquier 13 YEARS OLD from Toms River, NJ
Wednesday August 14, 2002 @ 01:25 PDT

on september 11,2001 a day that will live in imfamy, i was in my social studys class when it seemed like a normal day and my teacher was talking about the fighting in the middle east. we then heard that one of the twin towers was hit by a plane. later on everybody was getting picked up form school including myself and i thought this must be really bad ( not knowing they bolth collapsed and that bolth towers were hit) so when i got picked up i asked my dad why he picked me up and he said i wanted to make sure you weren't in any danger and i did not know what he ment. when i got home and saw the pictures and movies i became histerical and later on that wek and month whenever i heard a plane i ran inside scared. the day after the planes struck my dad went up to nyc to help w/the clean up and i went with him.when i had saw all the memorials and ground zero itself it seemed like the world was coming to an end and to this day i cannot belive this happend. i realized later on that i was a better person after 9/11/01. our neighboorhood responded by putting flags everywhere and showing our sympathy.even though words cannot express my anger towards terrorists her is a little bit of what i feel. they pick the wrong people to mess with this time and we as americans will prevail!!!!! you dont mess with america and expect to getaway with it!! i am proud to be an american and i will always support the usa, land of the free and home of the brave.
i would also like to truly thank all the fireman, emt's, police offcers and anyone else who gave their life to protect are and always be a true hero in my book. and to all the familys and relitives of those who were involved i give my deepest sympathy and god bless you and all of america!!!
from dave jaquier 13,of toms river,nj