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September 11th, 2001
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 requiem of nine-eleven
Posted by: Mike Ferry from Catasauqua
Saturday July 20, 2002 @ 11:46 PDT

the morning began like any other in a teenager's life...
the date was september 11th, 2001...
i awoke from my bed just like i had for all of my years in school, ate breakfast and got dressed without a care in the world...

...i walked to school at my usual pace, the day was partly cloudy, but still tranquil... ... tranquility can never last forever.

the day progressed and it was 3rd period... i walked into my algebra ii class, sat down, and zoned out like i usually did... suddenly, our guidance counselor knocked rapidly upon the door with a pale face... i thought nothing of it as my math teacher went out, closed the door, and began speaking with him...

he slowly came back into the room and announced "some maniac just flew a plane into the world trade center..." we all gasped, and the room fell silent as the teacher walked over to the tv, flicked it on, and there we saw the horror... the twin towers, one with smoking heavily from where the plane had crashed... we all looked on, never looking away...

the bell rang, and we ran to our next class... my next was chemistry, and the teacher already had her tv on to the same channel, looking on with a saddened face... we said nothing and continued watching...

... then, the second plane hit ... we saw it plain and clear... live... a friend of mine who sat behind me, completely in awe and bitter shock of it could only comment "it's like something out of a movie..." ... i wish it just was that, for i could only speak 3 simple words "oh my god..."

my mind raced as i continued watching throughout the day... we did nothing in school, we just watched the coverage... i ran home, turned on my tv, and continued watching... i thought of what this may start, the reprucussions...

then... i saw the broken-hearted family and friends who had lost their loved ones in a blink of an eye... i no longer cared about myself, rather, for them... i then realized that not only were there thousands killed in the attack... but a piece of everyone in america; died on september 11th.

the national anthem i no longer consider as our 'theme song'... rather... the eternal requiem of everything this nation has suffered through... the requiem of nine-eleven.