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September 11th, 2001
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 waking up to the trategy
Posted by: maritza from vancouver
Saturday April 20, 2002 @ 10:14 PDT

i woke up at the sound of the phone. i was sick the day that the tratedy happened. mom, brother, and i had no idea that anything had happened. my mom picked up the phone "hello?" as i heard my mom get up and turn the tv on, i heard sirens and people calling for help, and people screaming. i opened my eyes and took one glimpse at the tv. i watched for a while, hugging my mom and brother, getting worried because my dad was out in a business trip and my older sister was at school. i wanted everyone of my family with me and hugging me. i wanted to know that everything would be alright. i began to cry to much as i saw people jump off the building and people screaming for their lost families. i got worried for my friend that lived in new york. i ran to my computer and checked to see if she was on. turns out she was and i quickly imed her and asked if she was ok. she was fine but she said she could see the buildings crashing and people running.
this thing was a definite turn around for me. i know love my family more than ever and cherish the time that i have with them. for there are people that have lost someone special. and i still pray for the people that are alone. i just hope that everyone will recover. and i slowly watch as our nation builds back and helps one another. i will never forget this and what scares me more is that it might happen again. 911 is the worst date ever.