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September 11th, 2001
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 my day at school
Posted by: Kari from Darien
Thursday April 18, 2002 @ 04:25 PDT

when i first heard about what had happened, i remeber everything. . . where i was, how i felt, and how other people around me reacted. i go to a private school in new canaan connecticut and around 9:30 a.m all of the kids in the upper school (grades 7 through 9) were gathered for an announcement. some of the students had a faint idea of what was going on but all we really knew was that two kamikazi planes had hit buildings in new york. the head of our school told us that two unidentified aircraft had hit the world trade centers and everyone inside of the room had about 20945903 different reactions. some people, like me, were scared out of their minds and had no idea what our lives were going to turn into. personnally i thought that it would be world war iii and that that afternoon we were going to see planes overhead dropping bombs. others burst into tears, many kids in my school had fathers working there and there was a line about a mile long for the single working phone in the room. the rest of the day was the most confusing thing ever. the school has no working t.v.'s and only a slect few have radios. in all of the classes we just sat and talked about what was going on with our teachers, mind you, we had not seen a single image of what was going on, so everyone was thinking, oh its just a plane that lost course or whatever. school was called early, about 3:00 p.m. and we all headed home, my dad during the attacks was in mexico thank god, but was stuck there for the next week. as we drove home silently, the whole world seemed as though it had completely stopped. it was ghostly. i got home and the t.v was running. the first thing i saw was this massive building collaps and then another. i burst into tears. i couldnt belive that this was happening and hoped to god that not alot of people had died. i thought of all of the children who wouldnt have mothers and fathers that night. i cried for americans all over, and everyone who had loved ones in the building, and as i cried, we united as a nation. the next night we went to the end of our street with lit candles singing songs paying tribute to america. i didnt sleep for probably a week or so, and every time i closed my eyes, i would see bodies falling, so i was afraid to. when i finally got sleep, about a week later, i drempt the same dream over about 4 times, i dreamt that one of my teachers was talking to me and asked me, "so kari, what did you learn in school today?" and i would respond the same thing every time . . . "that bodies fall faster than debris" what happened is an awful and tragic event. i am soooooo sorry for everyone that lost someone dear to them, and may god bless america.
kari c. age 13