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September 11th, 2001
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 at basic training
Posted by: Shawn Wayman from Muncie, IN
Friday March 22, 2002 @ 01:25 PST

i was at basic training at for benning, ga when the attacks occurred. i remember sitting around that morning at reception and hearing one of the drill sgt.s say that one of the buildings had been hit by a plane. nobody knew if it was an accident or what, but some of the orederlies and i went into our company office. the company commander carried a tv in from his office because he thought that this was something we should all be able to see, even though we weren't really supossed to watch tv.

we all crowded around the tv and watched as they were describing the scene, telling us that apparently the plane had been hijacked from boston. no sooner did they get those words out than a second plane came from the corner of the screen and hit the second tower as we watched live. there was a gasp and many quick prayers. a couple of us shed tears at that point. we knew then that it was an act of war on our country, and patriotism was not felt stronger anywhere, i believe, than that room.

later that day, i remember we were all sitting around outside, quietly shining our bots. a few people talked about it, but most were just sitting in silence. all of a sudden, one person from another company upstairs started singing the star spangled banner. he had a beautiful voice, and it echoed throughout the area. then another voice joined his, and another, and another. suddenly, people were coming out of the bays from all sides and joining in. when it was over, they began singing it one more time, and before i knew it, i was singing too. unless you were there and witnessed it, nobody can ever understand or imagine the feelings in my heart and soul as i listened to my voice, drowned out by the voices of 1500 other soldiers, singin our country's national anthem in our darkest hour.

patriotism and freedom are alive, and it was proven hat day by the young men who, even now, are in a foreign country defending it for us. god bless america!