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September 11th, 2001
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 red white and blue (poem)
Posted by: Jillian Renton from Moncton NB
Saturday March 16, 2002 @ 05:41 PST

red, the color of the blood,
that along with the rubble,
falls like a flood.

two giants, down they fall,
screams of pain and fear,
heard from all.

white, color of peace and hope,
stained by revence and hate,
by people wanting and trying to cope.

the fire flames hot,
in the eyes and hearts,
of those who rescue, and search the lots.

blue, the color of the tears,
by those who lost,
the lives held dear.

with the americans and all that's true,
stand tall, unhurt,
stars and stripes fly through and through.

by: jillian renton
age: 14
date: december 11, 2001