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September 11th, 2001
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 i shall never forget 9/11/01
Posted by: Sonja from Virginia, MN
Tuesday February 12, 2002 @ 01:21 PST

my husband and i were living in kansas city, mo. on that tuesday morning that started out like any other, we had gone downstairs of the program we were in for a prayer/bible study, when we noticed that the director had the t.v. on (which was unusual). i asked him what was going on? he told us that two planes had just crashed into the world trade centers. our mouths dropped open in shock. as other staff who led the bible study part of our morning(which we didn't have a bible study we decided to discuss what was taking place instead) got calls on their cellphones about the pentagon getting hit and other planes that were missing and the collapse of the towers. we would turn t.v on.tears of grief flowing on our faces. seeing the people who jumped out of windows has stuck the most with morning the first thing i did was turn the radio on, hoping that i had just dreamt the events of the previous day. but of course all the horror had really happened.
i now define time as before sept 11 and after sept. 11. sometimes it's hard to remember what life was like before. things will never be quite the same again. i thank god everyday that it wasn't any worse than it already was. when i hear about people who survived the whole ordeal i thank god for delivering them safely out of the rubble. when i hear stories of people who lost friends and family, i mourn with them.and i ask god to give them comfort and peace. 5 months ago america lost her sense of innoscence and our sense of security. but we learned how to stand together in our darkest hour. we learned how to share our grief, how to reach out to those in need and how to love each other. we have learned what it truly means to be americans. god bless america