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September 11th, 2001
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 a day i will never forget
Posted by: Bob from Greenwich, CT
Friday January 18, 2002 @ 07:37 PST

on the night of september 10, i remember being nervous and very anxious for some reason. i do not know why, but i figure it is just because i am paranoid about forgetting to do projects/stuff at school. could have been a sign, though.

anyway, i woke up at 6, as usual, ate breakfast, and went to school. nothing really was happening until about 9:10, when the principal came running into my first period english class. he told us that two planes had hit the world trade center. now, everybody was shocked, but no one really knew if it was an attack or what. our teacher couldn't get onto since millions of americans were trying to do the same thing. i remember a few people whose parents worked in the wtc were crying, but since my mother was in la (and had flown there a few days ago) i knew that no one in my immediate family was probably dead. of course, i was still worried about the 50,000 people in the world trade center.

it had not occured to me or anyone that this was not only a terrorist attack, but possibly the beginning of a world war. suddenly, my teacher recieved a call that i was to go down to the office and brought home. i truly started fearing for the saftey of my own family then. my family wouldn't take me out of school for any reason. not only that, but i had no idea where my father (who divorced my mother about 12 years ago) was, and i feared it was the world trade center. when i got to the office, i only noticed two things. the first was my grandfather telling me that the pentagon had been bombed. the second was the many people being walked into back rooms with a parent, probably being told that one of their relatives might be dead.

the rest of the day was spent watching the news, but i have one memory before then. from my house, you can see the skyline of new york over the water, and if you squinted, you could have seen the wtc. the entire horizion of new york seemed to be filled with smoke. it was only seconds before the collapse of the second tower.

everything turned out fine. never heard anything about my father. it took my mother a week to get back from california, with air travel being banned and her not wanting to drive 3000 miles.

god bless america.