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September 11th, 2001
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 from our school, we watched.
Posted by: Greg Morris from Brooklyn, N.Y.
Sunday January 13, 2002 @ 07:04 PST

i can even remember what i was wearing, who i was with, and most of where i was. i was in new utrecht high school when the first plane hit, and from our 4th floor window, we could see the trade center burning in the distance. after as i walked to third period, we heard that the second plane had hit. i sat in that room for the whole period, and than went to my band room, on the 5th floor. the towers were gone at this point, and i can see the smoke that coverd the city, it was an endless brown, and gray cloud. when i looked to my left, everything was clear, and peacefull, the varrezano bridge made everything look like everything was fine, but when i looked to my right, i saw nothing but endless smoke in the distance. i left school early that day, and on my way home, my friend rich, and i found paper from the towers, some intact, some burnt. we went to the school yard near my house to play football, to try to take our minds off what just happened, but we just couldnt. every time the ball would bounce, dust would rise from the tar, this dust was on cars, the sidewalk, and even on the bench by my house. this dust was once the world trade center. later that night, the cloud that hung above the city made it's way into bensonhurst brooklyn, my grandmother had left a window open, and it smelled like fire, and jet feul inside my house, because the smell blew in from the city. my mom was stuck in new jersey,and made it home the next day, and thankfully my dad ( who worked in 1liberty plaza, which is across the street from where the world trade center once stood ) took that day off. i, like the rest of the world can't and will never forget that day.