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September 11th, 2001
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Posted by: Joe from Addison,il
Wednesday December 05, 2001 @ 12:00 PST

i had that tuesday off from work, so i was sleeping untill about 9:45 (chicago time) which was well after the second plane hit the wtc. my roomate had just got home from work and woke me up
and told me about the attacks. i asked him where he heard it, he
said the mancow show, (for those who don't know, it's much like the howard stern show) so i didn't believe him at first. so i turned on the tv just in time to see the first tower fall. the entire day i spent watching the news, calling family and friends. people calling me, not to ask if i was alright, since i do live in chicago, but asking if i had heard, and my thoughts on it. quite honestly, it screwed us all up. i was scheduled to open my resturant on wednesday at 5am. i considered calling in sick, and instead finding someway to help, but then they win. i went to work, i brought in newspapers, and a pile of dunkin donuts, told my staff to take their time getting to work, have some breakfast, etc. around lunchtime, we donated 40 meals to our local red cross office to feed those donating blood. i know it wasn't much, but at least in some indirect way we were helping from so far away, and i continued on with my job in a normal fashion. nearly 3 months later, i still fly the flag at my home, on my car and in my resturaunt. my mom still worries that they will open the draft and i'll have to go fight, but if that time should come, i will be ready to defend my freedom and my country.