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September 11th, 2001
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 where i was on the day of hell...
Posted by: Andy D'Angelo from Reading
Monday December 03, 2001 @ 05:31 PST

i was in middle school. in the morning i heard some kids talking about buildings falling down in new york. i just disregarded it. i was in phys.-ed. class at about eleven o'clock and i got more info from some friends and i was shocked and stunned in disbelief. a little later the principal addressed the school and told us of the attacks on the twin towers and the pentagon. he said if our teachers wanted to we could watch tv instead of a regular class.
i remember hearing about the crash in my state, pennsylvania. the rest of the school day we just watched tv.

when school let out and i got home and talked to my parents about it. i watched tv until about 5 pm. i was watching a woman on msnbc being interviewed when suddenly in the background i heard screams of terror and people started running toward the camera. i heard "it's collapsing!". all there was was smoke and debrys rushing through the street. that was when 7 world trade center collapsed. that is my story of the day of hell. i am 12 years old and attend governor mifflin in pa. please e-mail me at