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September 11th, 2001
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 the frighten students
Posted by: jada hookey from Mcdonald
Wednesday September 26, 2001 @ 05:40

all the kids were doing there work and my teacher put on the tv as told to. She put on chanel 4 and the news said there was a attack on the twin towers. Later that day we heard that there was an attack in our own state. It was in summerset county that is were my dad had to work that day. You could imagin what i was going through what all the kids in newyork was going through. my heart was going out to the wifes that lost there husbands the husbands that lost there wifes and the kids that lost there parents. I started to cry and then everyone eles was. All day in school that is all that we were wactching. I wanted to come home but What would that have done just made my mother feel even wrost all she wanted was my dad. For he could tell her everything is going to be ok. I know it is not ok even though we might pull through this no one is ever going to forget that day.