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September 11, 2001

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 shattered peace
Posted by: J. Bozen from Hagerstown, MD
Wednesday March 23, 2005 @ 06:02 PST

i had taken the day off. i was at one of my favorite fishing spots, along the maryland / pennsylvania border near sabillasville, md. to give you an idea of roughly where -- it's about 200 miles southeast of pittsburgh, and roughly 80 miles northwest of washington, d.c. it's idyllic, moutainous, and very much a rural area, that's why i like going there.

it was going on 10am, i had been fishing since 6:30am and hadn't caught a damned thing. i was packing up some things and was going to head over to cunningham falls park to try my luck there (they've got a pretty large lake). i was walking back to my car when i heard a deafening roar. i glanced up...i didn't see it, as i was still under some trees and foliage was still pretty thick...but i knew it was a military jet. it couldn't have been at a very high altitude, what with how loud it was. the sound gradually disapated. i wondered what it might be doing around these parts, then i remembered that camp david wasn't too far away. i thought perhaps the president was there, and this jet is just chasing off some wayward cessna that strayed too close.

starting up the car, i checked my cell phone to see if anyone had tried to call me, but as i suspected there would be no service out here. even the radio was full of static. like i said, it's rural.

as i made my way down eylers valley road, i noticed the road was blocked off by military vehicles. there were two humvees, each with a soldier sitting at the gun turret. as i came to a stop, four mps (military police) approached my car, two on either side. they were in full bdu (battle dress uniform) and armed with machine guns. i noticed one of the soldiers manning the turret turn it toward me.

i rolled down the window and asked what was going on. they were in no mood to chit-chat and gruffly asked me to turn around and head back down the road. i heard that familiar sound of a military jet, though it was off in the distance this time. i tried again to ask what was happening, and they told me that if i didn't move that they would arrest me. so i quickly complied, and headed back from whence i came.

just after i turned around and started headning back, i heard another thunderous noise...though this time i knew it was a helicopter. i started putting 2 and 2 together. i was now out of sight of the mps, so i pulled the car off the road and got out to see if i could find the helicopters.

just then about a half mile away, five helicopters appeared from over the hill. three appeared to have the presidential seal on the side, the other two were blackhawks and were fully armed. i knew something was up, but had no idea what the hell had transpired just a couple of hours earlier.

i knew these 'copters weren't headed for camp david, which was in the opposite direction. they were headed for site r...which is a secure underground facility on the maryland / pennsylvania border that is used in time of crisis. it's nickname is the "underground pentagon."

it wasn't until i was on my way again, and back in cell phone range that i was able to call my wife who was in hysterics. she told me everything that had happened. i listened to the radio the rest of the way home in shock.

apparently, high level government officials (i.e. dick cheney) were evacuated to site r after the pentagon was hit. i just happened to be in the area that they were evactuated to...which is why those soldiers i met at the raodblock were so intent on getting me out of the area.

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