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September 11, 2001

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 remember when?
Posted by: j from san antonio
Friday December 12, 2003 @ 02:44 PST

it was monday night and i with a couple of friends playing cards and watching the denver broncos play monday night football. i always remember that game because mcafrey broke is leg after he made a catch. i stayed with a friend and his girlfriend at their apartment. the next morning my friend and his brother were playing the sega genesis. i remember because i was trying to sleep. all of a sudden the phone rings and i hear my friend yell out no f*&^n way. so i jump up to see if everything was alright and i hear him say to turn the game off and put it on channel 5. there i saw it. the building on fire. both buildings had already came down and all there was a bunch of smoke and dust. i was in shock, i couldnt believe what was going on. i remember seeing how the president was told. he was at an elementary school and twice they told him about the crashes. he was there to encourage the children and he turned out to let the world now that the united states was attacked. i was fresh out of the service. i wish i never got out. i know my unit went to afganistan. i should have been there. if i died then i died. no regrets. i would have done for my country, my family, for everyone who lost someone on september 11, 2001. god bless america

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