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September 11, 2001

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 how 9/11 affected me
Posted by: Adam Hein from Mason, Ohio
Thursday September 11, 2003 @ 02:08 PDT

september 11th affected me in a couple ways. well first off people from our hometown died because of the terrorists and not to mention that all those innocent people on the plane died for no reason. it was the terrorists that took over for that very minute that took all those innocent lives from the planes and the buildings. it was just very sad to see especially for those peoples relatives and friends who watched not knowing if one of there friends had died or got out alive, also not knowing if there friends or relatives were on those planes. put yourself in their shoes and think how scary it would be to see terrorists hijacking your plane or to see a plane fly straight into your building that you were working in. how would you feel? how would you feel if you were the people who had died friends or family about how you would feel when you saw 9/11 happen or how you would feel when you found out your friend or family member had died? also how would you feel if the attack had hit in mason and you lost some family members or friends? i know i wouldn’t feel to good because my mom is a firefighter/paramedic and she would have to go help and. she might have even lost her life if it happened here and i’d be very sad and unfortunate because i wouldn’t have a mom anymore to guide me through life like she does, i would only have my dad to do that then and not my mom. what if it hit your parents work and one or both of your parents die, or even if your parent/parents made it out alive but very injured or not a scratch on them? they would be very lucky and very scared in my eyes because it hit them. what if it hit our school and all of your friends died and you and a few of your friends made it out alive but the rest of the school had die? how would you feel then? would you feel scared or sad or even mad because you made it out alive with a few other people that you didn’t know and all your friends you were with had died but you didn’t. i know i would be. so how i see 9/11 were lucky and grateful that it didn’t hit here and that over 2000 people in mason didn’t die like at the wtc and on the streets in new york. that’s how 9/11 has affected me.

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