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September 11, 2001

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 lost loved ones
Posted by: John Kishbaugh from Conneaut
Monday March 03, 2003 @ 04:19 PST

on the day that everyone will always remember, 9-11-01. i was on my way to buy a new car when i walked in the car dealer ship on the t.v. they had the twin towers be struck... needless to say was i was born and raised in new york city this was a scary moment my aunt works right next door to the towers, all of my family lives there... so as soon as i realized what had happened i went home tryed to call my family but all the lines were busy, and busy, for what seemed like eternity, but then i finally talked with my dad and he had told me that my old neighbor was a firefighter in nyc had been trapped in the mess. he has never come home to his family of four or any of his friends i will always miss these people so i say if we had to go to war please let it be with osma and saddam get them both at once and our country would be much safer than what it is now... in loving memory of dave one of our loved ones....

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