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September 11, 2001

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 My 9-11-01
Posted by: Adam Stroud from Imlaystown, NJ
Tuesday November 13, 2001 @ 06:03 PST

i woke up at around 8:00 that morning and i dragged myself into the shower and got ready for college. i never thought that day would have been any different from any other day before this one; i never thought that after that day the world would be a totally different one.

at roughly 9:30, on my way to college, i stopped at a fleet bank and was making a withdraw from my account when i heard a short sound byte played loudly on the radio in the lobby,"...the united states will not tolerate these kind of attacks...". i simply shrugged and thought, "...probably some pontificating politician talking about nothing like usual..." i walked out of the bank and continued on to college.

when i arrived, people were running around like crazy, many of them with cell phones stuck to their ears like they had been surgically grafted there. confusion hit me hard, "what was going on?"

i went to class, and not thinking much of what was going on. i had no clue that what i heard in the lobby of the bank and why people were running around had anything to do with one another. i sat down in my computer networking class and someone next to me with a news-service enabled cell phone said to me frantically, "oh my god...the tradecenter was blown up!". i looked at him as disbelief crossed my face. the teacher soon made an announcement that class was being cut short and we all left. i immidiately went to the college library and went on cnn.com. it was like a knife being pushed through my chest, sure enough there was a picture of an airplane smashing into the world trade center and the twins coming down. the knife in my chest started to twist as the news about the pentagon hit me and the stories from manhattan...all the carnage was too much to bear. with extreme prejudice, i shut down the computer and drove home where my girlfriend was waiting for me in a panicked frenzy.

september 11, 2001 is a day that will forever be etched in my memory. these terrorists also managed to ruin my birthday, which happens to fall on the 12th.

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