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September 11th, 2001
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 terrifyed 10 year old.
Posted by: Samantha from Hollywood
Sunday September 11, 2005 @ 10:00 PDT

i was so afraid that day. i was only in 4th grade and my teacher put on the news. it said the twin towers had been hit. one of my aunts worked in the south tower. i thought we lost her. my other aunt worked right across the street from the twin towers. my parents wouldnt tell me anything untill they were sure that they both were okay.its terrifying to 10 year old seeing that one of the most widely known land marks were being destroyed and your aunt works in it. i cryed just watchin the news. i ran out the class and asked to use the phone. i called my mom, she was crying too.she said she dosent know how they are yet because all the lines are down. at 11:00 pm that night my aunts called us. told us they were okay and they loved us. we were so releived yet we were grieving for all those lost. never will i forget the terrifying experience.