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September 11th, 2001

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 puerto rico
Posted by: Neisha Torres from Puerto Rico
Sunday December 07, 2003 @ 04:04 PST

i was taking my photography class in my college in puerto rico. but was not until 11:40 pm i noticed what was going on. i was walking in the lobby and i saw a bunch of classmates in front of the television. when i came near to saw what was so important, nbc played the moment when the second plane crashed into the tower.
i became so nervous that i ausent to my next class, oh forget about it. in my way back home, i was praying that those terrorist dont came to puerto rico. since we have commonwealth with the united states, i was terrorized that something similar could happend here.
i inmediatly called my mom and my whole family. it was horrible i dont want to remember it again.
thank god, i didnt have any particular in the united states, but thinking about all those innocent people who died, makes me sad and think how fragile are our lives.
i dont know how im gonna tell my kids in the future that i lived all this tragedy, how im gonna tell my kids, my grandsons and granddoughters the history of september 11th, 2001. the day that not only changed america, changed the whole world.

thanks and god bless the world. lets not bless any particular, lets bless the whole world. we're persons in any danger that whoever.
