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September 11th, 2001

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 the day i woke up
Posted by: Colby M. Butler from Powell
Saturday November 16, 2002 @ 11:47 PST

it was tuesday morning like any other day,but i had a weird feeling when i woke up.well, i went to school and as a class we were sitting there and a teacher came in crying.she said,"oh lord a damn plane has crash into the wtc."i told my friend marshall holy crap man do u think we were undergoing an attack.he no its just another timothy soon as we got done talking boom,the second plane hit.i was scared then.i thought we were going to i wanted to leave school and get to my house so me and my dad could protect ourselves.well first peroid was over,the whole entier school was dead silent,i mean i could hear a pin i was going to class i talked to some friends they were scared to.i went to 2nd peroid as soon as i got in there the third plane hit,this time it was the pentagon.that whole day i was scared to go near downtown knoxville,afraid that a plane may hit the buildings i stayed home and waited for president bush to announce the nation.he did and i fell asleep hoping that it was a dream.then it waas reality,that was the day that i woke up.