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September 11th, 2001

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Posted by: Chase from Huntington Beach
Thursday September 12, 2002 @ 08:08 PDT

as i go to work like a normal day, thinking if it was going to be a good day. i walk threw the doors of the trade center still thinking nothing could go wrong. steping into the elevator i bump into my assistant. "good mourning." she says to me as i stand there. "hello and same to you, nice weather huh?" i reply back. she nods her hade and we step out onto our floor. it was only secounds after i sat down when i saw it. a plane heading strait for us. people screaming not knowing what to do. then it happend. i cover my head and grab my assistant when. boom!!! it hit and hard the building shook and the fire alarms where going off. i soon here news that the plane hit the upper floor of the building. in shock i began to cry, not holding it back the thoght... are we at war? every where i looked i see screeming and evacuations. i look out the window to see people jumping out the windows falling to there death. i grab my picture of my wife and two kids and i wouldnt let go. i soon followed the evac and ran for my life. as we got out i had a sign of peach when the building begins to collaps. then the other plane hits the secound tower. the dust was every where. i cryed some more thinking of my family and every 1 who this hurts, kills, and the people who gave there life for helping. scared i began to smile thinking we will get threw this and we will win the war.

from: cws

this gose out to all who helped and died on that day of war.