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September 11th, 2001

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Posted by: Erica from NM
Sunday September 08, 2002 @ 02:22 PDT

where i was: at the time i was 11 years old. i was walking through the halls of my middle school when a friend of mine came over to me and explained that they're had been a bombing in ny. i didn't of belive her because, of course, who could believe such a thing? when i got home at 3:00, i could only hug my family and thank god we were all still alive. i could barley watch the tv screen, i didn't undersatnd, accept, or believe what had happened. every night my sister and i prayed the rosary. on the night of september 11, i said a prayer but i couldn't finish it because i was crying to hard. my life had changed forever. the way i looked at my family and friends was different. they all meant more to me. i looked out at the sun that night, setting over the mountain and i relized a new day would soon be there...a new beginning...and, for me, life would go on.