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September 11th, 2001

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 what i gained and lost the day america changed!
Posted by: Lauren C from Cincinnati Ohio
Sunday September 08, 2002 @ 02:02 PDT

sept, 11th 2001...sitting in math class an emergency assembely has been called by the head of my school...when they first said what had happend i didnt understand i saw so many crying and so many with straight faces. who would do this? and why? i never really follow the news. i was walking back to class when i stopped in the hallway and started to wonder what were going through all of the rescuers and workers heads. seeing people fall from the top stories of the building is what brought me to the edge i didnt understnad the extreme of what was going on until the buildings collapsed and i brokedown to find out one of my friends moms had happend to be in one of the wtc for a meeting that day and didnt make it out of the building... she was on the 90 something floor.

rip 9-11-01 we will never forget u