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September 11th, 2001

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 math class
Posted by: Matt Mendel from Orlando
Monday March 11, 2002 @ 06:50 PST

i was in math class. it was near the end of the class and i heard the prinicipal get on the intercom talking about how this is a horrible day for american's and how something could happen so massive, though he didn't say what happened. i asked the teacher, i said "what happened?" and she says something happened in new york. the bell rang out and no one knew what was going on so i went to the band room and cnn was on and i saw this massive plane slamming into the sign that everyone recognized america by, the world trade center. i'm a sophmore at cypress creek high school in orlando, fl. that was the scariest thing i had ever seen. i leaned over to a friend and said "this is unreal, it's something you would see in the movies." then names were being said over the intercom being told to come to the office to go home because of parents taking there kids out of school because of having family members and friends in new york..... it was one of the scariest days of my life.