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September 11th, 2001

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 the terror of the attack during biology class
Posted by: Nick from Port Washington
Friday December 28, 2001 @ 06:11 PST

it was 9:10 on a tuesday morning and my biology class was talking abut cell reproduction. the principal came onto the loud speaker and said he had some troubling news. he said that a 767 airline jet had crashed into the north tower of the world trade center. everone was gasping and thought that it was just an accident. then he said that 18 minutes later a second airliner had collided into the south tower. immediately, people said terrorism. i was a skeptic, but then realized that it must be terrorists. i called home to my mother and asked if everything was fine because i knew my dad worked in the city. she said that he had called and said he watched the planes hit the towers. at that point, nothing would be the same.