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September 11th, 2001

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 a day i'll never forget.
Posted by: Gina L. Camarda from Quinque, Virginia
Sunday December 02, 2001 @ 06:21 PST

believe it or not, at the time of the attacks, i was working at
9-1-1. we were all just doing our jobs, answering phones and speaking to police officers over the radio. we had the today show on in the room. we were stunned when we saw the damage to the first tower of the world trade center. we all were saying what a horrible accident it was. with our eyes glued to the television, we watched in disbelief and in horror, the second plane hit the second tower. i knew then it was no accident. i called my sister in florida, and she already had the television on. i later found out that my friend's husband, who was a firefighter, was among the many who were lost that day. it was a day i'll never forget.