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September 11th, 2001

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 "we knew nothing prior to 9/11" -george w. bush
Posted by: Heather from Upstate,New York
Monday July 26, 2004 @ 01:02 PDT

if you can think back to some years ago before we lost hundreds and thousands, and even millions of dollars, before we lost our friends, family, co-workers, and all of our hope; you would see that we were just normal citizens. how can bush get up there and say that he knew nothing about the attacks prior to 9/11?!? why is it that i am 21 years old and almost every guy friend of mine that i had in high school is or has been in the war? but yet bushs' daughters are still safe under their daddys wings? how would he like to see his daughters come home in body bags? how would he like to see his family fall apart? its simple he's not going to have to worry about that because he thinks that hes hitler and that we should all hail him. george w bush lies. please get him out of office before more of our friends and family die at the sake of bushs' command. dear mr. bush, how can we send a man to the moon, but yet we can't seem to pay attention to a threat that will kill hundreds and hundreds of people? better yet mr. bush why are we fighting this war? because you say so? i dont think so, not ever, not anymore, not ever again.

vote bush out vote bush out, vote kerry in vote kerry in!!!!!!!