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September 11th, 2001

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 god bless those lost!
Posted by: Sean Grady from Round Rock
Saturday April 03, 2004 @ 03:48 PST

may god bless all those lost in the attack. may god bless their families & friends. osama, i hope that one day i'm pulling down cross-hairs of a scope and pulling the trigger to release a well aimed bullet at your head, not for for the money or revenge, but to avenge all my fellow americans you so cowardly killed, wait you didn't kill them you had someone do it for you, because you're to chickenshit to do it yourself. you keep hiding in hills and caves because you're to afraid to be a man and take responsibility for your actions. osama, you're going to hell and it's " courtesy of the red, white, and blue," and toby kieth and all the other angry americans. and for the rest of you chickenshit sons of bitches, you're all going to hell to right along side of your cowrdly leaders. i don't know who it was in the military that said it, but he said it best, " kill'em all and let god sort'em out." we oughta pull all allied ground troops out and just let the fighter pilots and bomber pilots have one hellacious air attack and just bomb 'em all, so that there's no chance for any future raghead terrorists. america's full, stay the hell out.