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September 11th, 2001

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 the day that changed everyone
Posted by: amanda from wolcott
Thursday November 21, 2002 @ 01:39 PST

my principle stormed into the room saying to turn on channel 3 when the tragity happened. everyone was in shock. some cryed some were to shocked to move they had no idea what to do. in social studies that day were tryed to avoid the subject but it was not possible. students and staff worried about family and friends that live in that area. the first person i called that day was my grandmother she was in a state of shock. from that day on we took the pledge of alegence more serious. every night in my prayres i would say, "god bless the familys and 9\11\01 babies that will never know their fathers and let them live strong knowing that their spirt is there. *god bless america*

9-11-01 a day we will never forget