Share Your Stories And Opinions Of
September 11th, 2001

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 that day
Posted by: Sarah from Huntersville
Saturday October 12, 2002 @ 06:26 PDT

i was at school when it happened. some kids went home early and the class had no reason why. when my mom picked me up from after school that day i told her that several kids in my class went home early today. when i looked into my mom's face i knew something was wrong. she had told me that there was an attack on the world trade center and the pentagon this morning. from that moment right then and there i was scared. the one thing that scared me the most that day was when my dad was across the river in jersey. when my mom heard what happened she automaticly called him. she got a hold of him and when she told him that minute he had no clue it had happened so he told everybody what had happened and looked out the window. when he came back on he was scedualed to fly home tommarow but my mom gave orders to him to drive home. when i watched the explotion on tv from the world trade center i was amazed. there is one thing in the whole world that i would want to do is thank all the firemen and policemen and heros who risked their lifes to help their country and saved american citizens. thank you for reading my story and pray that the person who is behind to be caught and killed.