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September 11th, 2001

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 worst birthday ever!
Posted by: Jackye from North Conway
Monday October 07, 2002 @ 05:56 PDT

it was my brothers birthday, i was excited for him because he was turning 17 and he was getting some great gifts. but what lyed ahead that day would ruin alot of proples lives. my mom had just dismissed me from school for a sports physical bcause i was going to play field hockey. i had no idea what going on. i dodn't even know that anything was happening. my mom was not in the building because our school was having a lock down. no one could enter the building. i went outside and my mom was talking to the principal. she said that i should not be brought back to school. i ddidn't know why she was talking crazy! the whole school staff is told to encourage the students to come back to school after they leave. as i got in the car i asked my mom why she had said to keep me out of school. she just told me to forget it. when i got to the doctors, i sat in the waiting room and read a magazine, completly ignoring the tv with the acts of terrisiom flashing on the screen. when i got into the operating room i sat on the cold metal table, and waited for the doctor to arrive. when he arrived we went throught the normal procedure. when i got out of the office the doctor came up to my mom and they started talking. he said how he was always scared of flying and now he will never go on a plane again. i thought that this guys was just a random talker but i guess that it all made sense to my mom. we drove up to my grandmothers house just up the street. i finally saw the tv. i was horrified, i wanted to burst out crying but i was stronger than that. i came to my senses and thought of my uncle. he lived just a few blocks from the world trade center. i asked my grandmother if she had called him and asked if he was alright. sure enough he was fine. i was so happy. but i didn't know the how many deaths there was. i didn't think of all of the other suffering familys i was just happy that mine was alright. now that i realize it i was selfish.

to all of those famlies who lost loved ones in an act of hate, we love you all and we all still pray for a miracle.
god bless america!!!