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September 11th, 2001

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 my memories of 911
Posted by: Sue Criaris from Brooklyn,New York
Monday September 16, 2002 @ 09:36 PDT

my name is sue, and i would like to tell my story about where i was, what i saw, and how i felt on that horrible day last september 11, 2001. i remember it was a beautiful, sunny morning. i was in the smoking room on the 9th floor at beth israel hospital.
i was in the process of getting off of methadone, so i was at the rehab there. all of a sudden i remember a fellow client yelling, "oh my god, a plane just crashed into the world trade center!" i didn't believe him until i looked out the window and saw it for myself. i remember thinking how so many people were just killed, and i got shivers. we all thought it was a terrible accident until the second one crashed. at that point, we started to get really scared. what really scared us was the fact that we were in a jewish hospital. even though we didn't know any details we knew it had to do with the middle east. honestly, i thought we were at war. especially because one thing after another kept happening. the pentagon got hit, then we were hearing about another plane in penn., and then something about the bridge being bombed. we figured whoever it was, they were going to hit the hospitals next. my faith in god is what kept me calm. i remember thinking that if it was my time to go, then it was my time to go.yes, i felt scared, but i also felt a certain kind of peace that you get when you trust in god. i remember looking out the window, and seeing an empty space where the twin towers used to be. i will never forget that as long as i live. people that were supposed to leave the rehab that day couldn't, because the subways were closed, so they stayed another night. we could also see the emergancy door's from where we were, and i remember all day, one ambulance after another was pulling up, helping the injured. that day was really scary, and i still feel very sad for all the people who got killed, or injured, and also for the families of all the victims. so, that was my experience that day, and just writing about it makes me feel very bad! thank you for taking the time to read this, and god bless us all, everyone of us!! sincerely, sue criaris