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September 11th, 2001

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 the worst day ever for an eleven year old
Posted by: Cassie from Carl Junction
Sunday September 15, 2002 @ 11:20 PDT

i was at school sitting in my desk talking to my friends like a normal day. then all at once a teacher ran down the hall in a panic yelling for everyone to turn on their tv's to channel 3. when we did that we saw one of the tower's were on fire and had been hit by a plane.when my teacher was talking to us about it i looked over at the tv and saw that the other tower was just now being hit. it was hard to beleive that this was happening right there. just thinking of how much those people are going through. we never did any assignments that day and we talked about what was going on. when i saw that people were jumping out of the building it was so terrible to watch. that day changed my life forever and i think that it changed everyone elses also.