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September 11th, 2001

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 "united we stand; divided we fall"
Posted by: Elaine from Madison Heights, Michigan
Thursday September 12, 2002 @ 12:19 PDT

mere words could never express the feelings that hide deep inside of me.

to say "i'm sorry for you loss" seems so minimal, so inadequate, but what other words could be used? none come to mind.

i only wish that i could find comfort in knowing that something like this would never happen again; but in this life no guarantee can be made.

what happened on september 11, 2001 was more then a tragedy, it was more then any of us can bear to name.
some call it senseless, others say catastrophic; but most of us just say "why" and "how"
why did this happen to so many innocent people?
how can we go on with our daily lives as if everything were the same and normal?
our lives will never be the same again, as for normal; nothing about this is normal.

it took a special kind of hate to do this. to say that they were trying to send us a message is absurd. if it was a message they were attempting to give us, it did not come; all they did was to show their ignorance, lack of compassion and stupidity.

"united we stand; divided we fall" this country is united more then ever!
our revenge will be swift and well deserved.

though i do not wish anyone to have to deal with the loss that so many of our fellow americans did. those who imposed this battle upon us shall pay for their actions.

osama bin laden can run and hide, but not forever!
he will be hunted without a moments rest until we finally seek our revenge on him.
a quick death is too good for him, pain and suffering is what he deserves to receive.
though he will never realize the pain and suffering that his actions have caused to the families and friends of those who were taken from us by his actions.
a person like osma bin laden has no feelings, no heart and no soul.
once hunted and captured and finally sent to meet his maker will find himself living in eternal hell. this life is much too good for a man like this.

my message to osama bin laden:
you have taken a step that you will regret 'till your last breath!
you will have no rest! …for we will hunt you down like the animal that you are.
if you were to be tortured beyond your imagination it would be too good for the likes of you.
the only thing that you truly accomplished by your actions was to pull all of us americans closer together and one of the things i can honestly say that all americans now have undeniable in common is that we all hate you and can not wait for your judgment day to come!
so when you lay your head down this and every other night until we find you may your dreams be infested with the image of what you have done to so many innocent people and know that whatever your worst fear is will come true. your day of reckoning will come!