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September 11th, 2001

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 fight for freedom
Posted by: Dale Hight from Cedar Falls
Wednesday September 11, 2002 @ 08:39 PDT

i go to the university of northern iowa in cedar falls and have been in school for the past three years. i joined the army rotc program last year in augest. last year today i got up, took my sweet time getting ready, and walked off to my first class. i was completly unaware that the towers were hit. when i got to class, there was a sign on it saying "due to terrorist attacks in news york and the pentagon, class has been cancelled. please go to the msiv classroom for news coverage. i read and re-read what was posted on the door and thought to myself, "what the heck is that supposed to mean?" so i went to the other classroom and saw that everyone there was glued to the tv. i sat down and watched. at first i thought this was some kind of movie or mock documentory they were showing. i don't remember when i realized that this was real, but i do remember feeling a lot of emotions. most of what i felt was real patriotism. i love america and it made me sad that someone would do something like that. i just want the world to know that i would fight for this country. i would fight and die for the freedom we have today. when i graduate from uni, i will recieve my commision as a 2lt through army rotc, and i will be fighting for you somewhere. we will fight and we will win. wars are not won based on who is the most powerful. they are won by the men who believe in what they are fighting for.