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September 11th, 2001

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 this upsetting day in history!
Posted by: Debbi from Brookhaven, NY
Saturday May 25, 2002 @ 11:11 PDT

9-11-01 was very upsetting for everyone. it was a beautiful day out as i looked out my window before i fell back asleep. my mom came in my room and woke me up again saying "this world is comming to an end, the world trade centers have been stuck by planes in a terrorist attack". thinking that i am still sleeping and this is all a nightmare i slowly fall back asleep. as i awake again listening to my radio i notice that there is no music playing on any station, people are upset, crying and talking about this attack that just happen. i jump out of bed thinking that what my mother said was'nt a part of a nightmare. i run downstairs to turn the t.v on to get an actual picture of what happend. just stareing at the t.v for about an hour looking at these horrible pictures im seeing just sent a pain through my heart. hopeing that most people got out safe i see the first tower go down. not even knowing what to think as i got a phone call from my manager saying i dont have to come into work because america is under attack i see how serious this is. as i try to get up and take my mind off all of this thats happening till my mother comes downstairs in tears. my friends that were in school come over because school was let out early and i go to my friends house to watch the news. looking at the highways and the roads theres no one to be found. 2 o'clock in the afternoon theres no people, no gas stations open, no cars on the road; and now it really starts to hit me about what happend. it's getting later now and everyone is awaiting the broadcast from the president. now really understanding how serious i should take this i start to cry. i see how insensitive i have been to not be home with my family listening to there feelings about this and being greatful that there safe and i still have them with me. seeming that i live in new york on long island and new york city is less than an hour away. these are my police officers and firemen that are out there at ground zero saveing lifes and dieing for what they believe in. unfortunaly there was one 1 person that i somewhat knew that had died in this tradgey. there are 4 little boys that my sister and i babysit for that are now with out a father. he was on the 101 floor working for canterfitzgerald. ranging from ages 6 to 11 they will some day find out how there father passed away. i think that this was all a wake up call for america to see how we should stop fighting over such little things and be greatfull for the country we live in. god bless america, were so lucky to be in such a wonderfull place!. thanks for you time and reading my story.