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September 11th, 2001

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 my experience
Posted by: Jenn from Louisville
Tuesday April 30, 2002 @ 08:54 PDT

i was actually sitting at home, looking up some things for a class i had later that day. when i got online, i saw something about the wtc and a picture of the first tower with smoke pouring out of it. i immediately grabbed my remote and turned on the television. i saw matt lauer and katie couric talking about how another plane had just crashed into the other tower and it was just dawning on everyone watching and witnessing that there was no way this was an accident. i watched, with the rest of the country, as one tower fell, then the other. i remember screaming out loud when the second tower fell and the first thought, however morbid, that ran through my mind was, "oh, my god! all those people are dead!"
i also remember watching an nbc pentagon correspondent telling the horrified viewers that he felt a shudder go through the building. i remember being tremendously frightened because i didn't know what was going to happen next. none of us did.
my friend who was actually on manhatten that day has told me several times that new yorkers in particular, felt like sitting ducks that day.
i find myself now just waiting for the other shoe to drop. i am living my life every day to its fullest because i lived through that day and i saw what evil can take from you in an instant. i'm also not naive enough to think that it will never happen again.