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September 11th, 2001

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 where we were
Posted by: Chris Re from Charlotte
Saturday April 27, 2002 @ 09:17 PDT

i started the morning off like no other. i was in einstiens bagel's on east blvd, two days after my promotion feeling reallly good. i remeber that i had just filled up my cup and was waiting on my friend, when my nextel phone went off, it was an other friend of mine who was a charlotte fireman. he asked me if i had seen that a plane had hit the wtc. i said no, and really did not believe him, thinking that he had bad info. i called my father in ny, who said that he had heard that a small plane had accidentally hit the wtc. i felt bad but not alarmed, so we went to the office. when i got to the office everyone was around the tv, the second plane had struck. i remember kind of feeling knumb not excited or anything. it was kind of sureal. i grew up in ny and my entire family was there. i had been to the wtc on field trips about a dozen times. i think that i was just watching without much emotion, not sure what to think. i knew that it was awful, but it did not register for some reason. i need to mentio that it was my second wedding anniversay as well on 9/11/01. when the building fell, someone started crying, this is when it set in. i started calling my parents, cousin who worked in the wolworth building, other friends on li. i was in a panic. i callled my wife an told her to go hom with our son who was 9 months old. i was in charge of 25 people whom i gave the option to go home if they like. the whole day just seemd to be sureal. we decided to go to dinner as planned, but we brough our son, because we did not want to be away from him. our hearts go out to everyone. it is something that i think about almost everyday.
